Luigi Olivadoti

Graphic Design

*Briefmarke* - © © Luigi Olivadoti, Swiss Design Awards Blog
*Kolt* - © © Luigi Olivadoti, Swiss Design Awards Blog
*SJW Umschlag* - © © Luigi Olivadoti, Swiss Design Awards Blog
Here: WorksLuigi Olivadoti readily offers his ear to issues that move our society, and translates them into telling visuals. His recent commissions include both posters presenting the future vision for the town of Schaan and illustrations for the online magazine VICE on themes such as summer stories, love&drugs or homelessness in Zurich.
There: ListeningHis techniques are classical gouache and acrylic paint on paper, allowing him a rich and nuanced range of colours. His playful characters call for empathy and make delicate topics accessible to the general public, as in his 2019 series on sexual diversity for stamps of the Swiss Post. Olivadoti recently found an extension for his work through art in the public space, winning the competition for an intervention in the new town hall of Vaduz (LI).
Everywhere: IllustratingOlivadoti has been present in the illustration scene for many years, taking part in the Fumetto Comix Festival in Lucerne in 2016, 2014 and 2013, and in 2017 receiving the IBK Förderpreis for illustration. He is also independently developing a graphic novel about immigration through the history of his Italian family, for which he received a research grant in 2015. Initial series of drawings were shown in 2018 in the exhibition Antonio e i suoi fratelli at the Alte Kaserne Winterthur.
Luigi Olivadoti(*1983), Based in Zurich,
EducationBA in lllustration & Visual Communication, HSLU, Lucerne

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